• Logistics intelligence and warehousing management

    With the rapid development of the Internet, people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes. With the rapid development of the Internet, industry has also accelerated the process. With the rap...

  • Intelligent green packaging - the trend of the country

    E-commerce is already a way of life for Chinese consumers, but also stimulate the rapid growth of the logistics industry. However, the rapid development of e-commerce logistics has produced a lot of w...

  • Intelligent express delivery - transportation and end distribution

    In the aspect of transportation: big data platform, real-time monitoring platform of the Internet of things, data lighthouse and other intelligent devices, real-time monitoring the dynamics of cargo t...

  • Intelligent express delivery - warehousing

    Today, ifenterprise does not have logistics technology application, they are embarrassed to claim that they are technology enterprises.Electronic noodle sheet is popularized, the link of e...

  • Automatic stereoscopic warehouse

    Automated stereoscopicwarehouse is a new concept in logistics warehousing. The high level rationalization, access automation and simple operation of warehouse can be realized by using stereoscop...
