• What are the reasons for the odor in the cold storage?

    Some logistics companies that provide cold storage services report that the taste of the cold storage is too heavy, which is very unbearable, so what are the reasons for the odor in the cold storage.T...

  • What is the relationship between logistics and distribution?

    The relationship between logistics and distribution, many people have not figured out, then what is the relationship between logistics and distribution.Distribution: Distribution refers to the logisti...

  • What are the warehouse classification methods and how to classify them?

    The warehouse consists of a warehouse for storing goods, transportation facilities (such as cranes, elevators, slides, etc.), transportation pipes and equipment for entering and leaving the warehouse,...

  • How to create a refrigerated warehouse that meets the needs of logistics

    With the vigorous development of scientific progress, cold chain logistics can be applied to cold storage and warehousing. Logistics cold storage plays an important role. The low temperature logistics...

  • How to monitor the temperature and humidity of the warehouse

    Warehouse is a treasure house of many enterprises, which stores a lot of important materials and products, so the work of fire prevention and anti-theft is very important to avoid the occurrence of fi...
