Four Trends of Logistics Transportation of 2018 Dangerous Chemicals

Liu Yuhang, Secretary - General of the Dangerous Goods Logistics Branch of the China Federation of Logistics and Procurement, was interviewed by China Chemical

As a strategic basic industry supporting the national economy, modern logistics is playing an increasingly important role in the process of economic restructuring and quality development in China. " Logistics Infrastructure Network Construction" and " Modern Supply Chain" wrote the 19th Report on Joining the Party. The general office of the State Council issued guidance documents on " logistics cost reduction and efficiency increase" and " supply chain innovation and application" twice a year. With the continuous improvement of the policy environment and the deepening of structural reforms on the supply side, China's logistics industry has achieved the goal of steady progress and steady improvement in quality in 2017.

From January to November, the total amount of social logistics nationwide reached 229.9 trillion yuan, up 6.7 % year on year. The upsurge of intelligent logistics has led to the application of a number of international leading technologies in the field of logistics, such as intelligent warehousing, truck and cargo matching, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned driving, unmanned docks and logistics robots. A number of new industry models such as car-free transportation, drop-and-drop transportation, multi-modal transportation and green distribution have been promoted, and modern supply chain is becoming a new growth point and a new momentum of development.

As one of the important subdivisions of the modern logistics industry, hazardous chemicals logistics is developing rapidly in the overall good situation of the chemical industry. According to the statistics of the China Federation of Dangerous Chemicals Logistics Branch, there are 310,000 dangerous chemicals enterprises in China in 2017, and the volume of goods transported in the whole industry of dangerous chemicals in China will continue to be over 1.6 billion tons. With the vigorous development of the chemical industry, higher and newer requirements are put forward for the hazardous logistics industry. In the future, upgrading quality and integration and sharing will become the development direction of the logistics industry. Overall, the industry will show four major development trendsContinuous innovation and upgrading of supply chainThe park became the main carrierE - commerce + platform began to exert forceEnvironmental protection, safety and intelligent upgrade.
