Logistics and transportation also need to be mobile

In the process of enterprise-level application mobility, mobile office and other applications have been accepted by more and more enterprises. Does it also need mobility in the field of logistics and transportation?

It is inefficient to communicate with the carrier by phone and mail

Some small and medium-sized carriers may not have their own system to interface with the owner's transportation management system. They communicate with each other by mail and telephone, and the logistics management personnel at the owner's end will enter and update the system again. Such a work style and efficiency can no longer be adapted to the demand of competing logistics and distribution. The remote access capability brought by mobility is very important to these communications. The carrier's docking personnel can access the owner's TMS system without a computer by logging in to the mobile app, so as to quickly respond to transportation orders, timely report the transportation situation in transit, offer and renewal more quickly and accurately.

The customer kept asking about the transportation of the goods, and the information could not be shared in real time

The customer may know through the system whether the goods are sent, but where they are sent and when they arrive, these in-transit tracking information cannot be obtained in real time. As a dispatcher is in the "three plywood" status, a phone call, a head to go to inquire. Let customers through the mobile access to the owner's TMS platform, in-transit information real-time sharing, strengthen the communication with customers, customers do not need to repeatedly telephone inquiries, can significantly improve service levels and customer satisfaction.

The driver's pick-up time is uncertain, and the in-transit and arrival conditions are unknown

Drivers are not easy to send e - mail, and often need a large number of paper documents ( bills of lading and receipts ) to be processed on the computer by dispatchers, which will delay each other a lot of time. Many distribution points have long queues of drivers. However, once the driver sets out, he cannot track and understand the information in transit. Mobile drivers need mobile applications to make the whole transportation process visible and transparent.

It can be seen that the mobility of transportation management system is a win-win solution for shippers, carriers, customers and drivers, and mobile applications can bring great convenience to the scenario of multi-partner cooperation.
