Epicor launches AI-based virtual agent
From Logistics Manager Magazine,
Published Thursday 18 April 2019 12:20 pm
Epicor has launched Epicor Virtual Agent (EVA), a digital
agent driven by artificial intelligence technology to accelerate pace of
operations by simplifying interactions with ERP systems.
EVA appears on-screen as a virtual assistant that users can access
via text or voice powered by natural language processing. The idea is to
transform data into visual information to create an intuitive
experience to complete actions on native devices, providing users with
targeted information to help make better, faster decisions.
EVA also uses artificial intelligent to deliver alerts and insights,
carrying out targeted actions based on combinations of events, market
statistics, and historical data. For example, forecasting and
automatically adjusting production or distribution levels in-line with
customer demand
EVA can be added to all sizes and types of Epicor ERP implementation, including on-premise as well as in the cloud.