The opportunities of logistics industry

National network operation company


Logistics industry itself has three basic characteristics of flow, context and interaction, including the flow control and management of vehicles and goods, the communication, interactive action and behavior in the process of transportation network and service like leaf vein. In China's huge and intensive and integrated logistics industry, network companies have great opportunities for development, and the national network companies with excellent management team, science and technology service ability and fine operation ability will highlight the potential and value of investment.


Standardization system construction


The problem of logistics standardization has been raised for many years. At present, the application and promotion of logistics standardization in our country are insufficient, the existing logistics standardization management system is backward, and the serious lack of equipment and operation standardization in the process of logistics operation have become an important reason to limit the development of logistics industry. In the long run, in the standard tray, turnover box, warehouse design and management, handling equipment and other basic equipment, logistics standards, management system direction of continuous efforts of the company also have great potential.


Cold chain logistics enterprise


The pursuit of a better life has never stopped. A recent information learned is that in Guizhou, Qinghai, Gansu and other inland provinces, the demand for seafood continues to grow. According to the relevant data, the development of the cold chain field continues to grow, and the annual compound growth rate in the next few years will exceed 20%. At present, the development of the cold chain field is very uneven, the enterprise presents a scattered and small state, and the opportunities for industry integration and the space for industry development are very large. It is believed that there will be national and even world-class cold chain logistics enterprises in this field in the future.


Cross-border logistics enterprises


With the development of domestic manufacturing and e-commerce, cross-border logistics enterprises have gradually completed the layout of overseas automated warehousing centers, covering the global efficient service network and the construction of international intelligent logistics management system. Chinese logistics enterprises will gradually build intelligent and intensive international competitive advantage overseas, and enterprises in this direction have huge investment space.