Four principles of heavy shelf design

The length of the ramp is moderate. The total depth design of the shelf (the length of the guideway) should not be too large, otherwise the unusable upper "dead angle" will be large, affecting the use of space, and the ramp is too long, the controllability of the decline will be poor. If the impact of the decline is large, it is easy to cause the slide is not smooth, stop, the pallet goods overturn.


The slope is reasonable. After the slide is installed on the shelf, it should be guaranteed to have a certain slope before the tray can slide under heavy action. If the slope is too small, the tray will not slide or slide smoothly. The slope will be too large and the tray will slide too fast, which will cause impact or overturning. In addition, the slope also depends on the material at the bottom of the tray. The best choice of slope should be determined by detailed calculation and experiment.


Add damping device. In order to make the slide smooth, such as the long ramp, in order to make the pallet goods fall to the bottom end without overturning because of the excessive impact force, buffer device and pick-up separator should be set up at the lowest part of the ramp, so it is difficult to design, manufacture and install, and the cost is high.


Shelves should not be too high. No matter what kind of shelf type warehouse, reliability and maneuverability are particularly important, and heavy shelf is generally less than 6 meters, the weight of single support goods is generally within 1000KG, if the height is too high, the single support goods are too heavy, its reliability and maneuverability will be greatly reduced.